日本版 Map Warper

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日本語 (ja)


日時 ユーザー 更新の概要 バージョン
2018-09-28 07:47:16 UTC Map 2245 Update — 地図のマスクを解除しました 2


title nil -> Jissoku kaisei Tokyo shinzu
description nil -> 【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the right. Relief shown by hachures. Includes address chart and legend.
tag_list ->
subject_area nil -> Tokyo (Japan)
unique_id nil -> RUMSEY~9~1~23119~60160
source_uri nil -> http://japanmaps.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~9~1~23119~60160
publisher nil -> Tokyo : Matsunaga Sakujiro
authors nil -> Matsunaga, Sakujiro
scale nil ->
issue_year nil -> 1894
status nil -> 2
mask_status nil -> 0
rough_state nil -> 0
owner_id nil -> 32
cached_tag_list nil -> UCB
upload_file_name nil -> RUMSEY_9_1_23119_60160_mqypfahd.jpg
upload_content_type nil -> image/jpeg
upload_file_size nil -> 5313068
width nil -> 5869
height nil -> 4403
filename nil -> RUMSEY_9_1_23119_60160_mqypfahd.jpg