Japanese Map Warper

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2019-11-08 01:08:25 UTC Map 4245 Update — Map was unmasked 2


Item  Value
title nil -> 禁闕内外全図(外題) Kinketsu naigai zenzu [Map of the palace area of Kyoto]
description nil -> 天保8 *三色刷り。刊記に「享保五庚子年<1720>正月新刻/天保八丁酉年二月補刻/清水谷殿御蔵板/禁売買」とあり。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Kawase p. 208. Based on an earlier map published in 1720. According to the colophon, this map was not for sale. 
tag_list ->
unique_id nil -> BL_01_0287
source_uri nil -> https://www.bl.uk/
publisher nil -> 清水谷蔵版 Published in 1837 by Shimizutani [of Kyoto]
publication_place nil -> 京都 Kyoto
authors nil ->
date_depicted -> 1837
issue_year nil -> 1837
status nil -> 2
mask_status nil -> 0
rough_state nil -> 0
owner_id nil -> 92
cached_tag_list nil -> 大英図書館, British Library
upload_file_name nil -> BL_01_0287_blyzrapc.jpg
upload_content_type nil -> image/jpeg
upload_file_size nil -> 4995731
width nil -> 4609
height nil -> 3710
filename nil -> BL_01_0287_blyzrapc.jpg