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Bl 01 0230 xgoeynjf
shelfmark: Maps C.21.b.14 License: Public Domain 正徳・享保頃刊 *外題欠。図題はModyによる。左下に「長崎より□国江海陸道規」等。出島沖の「シャム船」下に「御用船細川越中守殿ヨリ御勅番」の下線部および船図は入れ木。刊記「長崎東浜町、書肆竹寿軒/中村惣三郎改板」。刊年は中野三敏「近世九州の出版文化」http://www.ajup-net.com/web_aiup/057/5/nakano. shtml)による。蔵書印「謨區□印」。 Xylograph; lacks title but see Mody, plate 27; Ex C. R. Boxer see his Jan Compagnie in Japan, p.73.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0231 jbyfrglm
shelfmark: Maps 63055.2 License: Public Domain 享和2 *多色刷り。(刊記)享和二壬戊年六月吉辰/丙午<1846>年求之/長崎船大工町下、牛深屋板。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Mody, plate 37.
1802 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0232 aekgbzym
shelfmark: 16084.d.1 License: Public Domain 幕末写 *大浦の築地に「異國舘」とあり。
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0233 ynbeldah
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.29 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0227 mljvqybe
shelfmark: Maps 63155.4 License: Public Domain 天保15 *三色刷り。(刊記)天明九年・・・御免/文化三年・・・刻成/天保十五年・・・再鐫/浪速書屋/河内屋太助/伊丹屋善兵衛/積典堂蔵板。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1844 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Co.agn.smp.6 ref.219
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0235 bwfyiavj
shelfmark: Maps 63145.4 License: Public Domain 幕末刊 *多色刷り。無刊記。外題「横浜外国人住宅細見二編」。 Xylograph.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0239 cyrkiwae
shelfmark: Maps *63290.1 License: Public Domain 天明5 *手彩色。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1785 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0236 dnhzapsy
shelfmark: Maps *63135.4 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *手彩色。記載事項なし。城郭のみ。大英図書館蔵『長門府中』(Maps *63100.12)と同筆。
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0238 mpvxgcaw
shelfmark: Maps 63100.2 License: Public Domain 江戸後期刊 *(刊記書肆)御絵図所 植山彌平治。 Xylograph.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0240 zxbiourj
shelfmark: Maps 63290.2 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *手彩色。択捉・国後に関する説明を附す。図の外側に路程および地名を附す。
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0243 bwtcnkgq
shelfmark: Maps 920.121 License: Public Domain 貞享5 *手彩色。外題「世界大絵図」。 Xylograph; Beans 15.
1688 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0241 bpcujwei
shelfmark: Maps 29.c.23 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *手彩色。
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0242 atkevgsj
shelfmark: Maps 63290.5 License: Public Domain 安政6 *多色刷り。外題「蝦夷松前一円図」。藤田惇斎「蝦夷闔境輿地全図」(嘉永7刊)と類似しているものの別板。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1859 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0245 uowcdsan
shelfmark: Maps 920.118 License: Public Domain 嘉永年間刊 *表紙に「KAART/栗原信晁再校 為斎画/(嘉永校定東西地球)万国全図/東都文溪堂梓」とあり。凡例に「這図ハ我天保六年に仏蘭西人の鏤刻するなり」とあり。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868 Siebold; Beans 38.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0244 hperftxq
shelfmark: Maps C.21.bb.8 License: Public Domain 宝永7 *外題「(南瞻部州)万国掌菓之図」。 Xylograph.
1710 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23549 90007 ioxsrndf
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 13 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. Includes guide, distance chart and list of local products on verso. East Asian Library call number Hb18.
1907 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2082 furibe 4
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0249 cnxwyfbs
shelfmark: Maps S.T.W.1 License: Public Domain 文政4 *無刊記。 Xylograph. Acquired 28 June 1889 Map of the Buddhist worlds; not in Beans; cf the copy in Kyoto University Library 5-6 at http://edb.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/Exhibit/muroga/bukkyo.html.
1821 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0248 eaopsjgx
shelfmark: Maps *920.508 License: Public Domain 享和2 *無刊記。手彩色。 Xylograph. Beans 31,Kurita no. 8. Contains information on eclipses, astronomical instruments, etc.
1802 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0285 jkpwxoci
shelfmark: Or.75.g.25 License: Public Domain 江戸前期刊 *ケンペル旧蔵。 *無刊記。ケンペル自筆書入あり。 Xylograph; Gardner, #565; Mody, plate 26??? five people at bottom middle, then at left Nagasaki chosu, then at left again Nihon yori ikoku e Mody's title is Nagasaki oezu
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1816 fbnc 344
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23530 80116 vpwxouce
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in envelope 20 x 14 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese and in English. Oriented with north to the upper left. Relief shown by pictorially. Includes inset. views of tourist attractions, guide to points of interest and Waka poems. Advertisement on verso. East Asian Library call number Hb3.
1903 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23563 90021 amjdroxc
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 14 cm. Title on envelope: Totomi no Kuni kensha Akiba Jinja zenzu. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes historical text and distance chart. East Asian Library call number Hb31.
1886 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23585 90043 kzaerfbm
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 19 x 13 cm. Title from envelope. Woodblock print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Bird's-eye view. Includes historical text. East Asian Library call number Hb56.
1881 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23584 90042 wplqktad
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 12 cm. Title on envelope: Kanpuzan Ryugeji keidai zenzu. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes list of points of interest. East Asian Library call number Hb55.
1890 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0247 rhlbwftp
shelfmark: Maps *920.92 License: Public Domain 江戸後期刊 *多色刷り。序題「山海輿地全図」「地球万国山海輿地全図説」。刊記「長久保氏蔵版/東都山崎金兵衛/浪速浅野弥兵衛」。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0251 kftrsixv
shelfmark: Or.75.f.5 License: Public Domain 延宝6 *ケンペル旧蔵。無刊記。原刊記刪去(「三月吉日」を残す)。「延宝六戊午三月吉日」の刊記を刪去したと思われる(三井文庫等の所蔵図参照)。 Xylograph. Ex-Kaempfer. Gardner #561; Kurita 16.
1678 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2084 furibe 6
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2086 furibe 8
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0257 foykwjqd
shelfmark: Maps 38.b.165 License: Public Domain 文久3 *多色刷り。(刊記)文久三年正月改判/和州奈良大仏前/絵図屋庄八蔵版。英字書き入れ。 Xylograph.
1863 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0258 pcfjzmxh
shelfmark: 16113.a.19 License: Public Domain 幕末刊 *多色刷り。 Xylograph.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23647 90106 qgdthwxj
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. manuscript map on sheet 28 x 41 cm., folded in cover 22 x 15 cm. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb121.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23552 90010 jqitnzpv
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. Title on envelope: Shizuoka Asama Jinja shinkei. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Bird's-eye view. Includes festival calendar. East Asian Library call number Hb24.
1909 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0256 iosaxvje
shelfmark: 16113.a.4 License: Public Domain 江戸後期刊 *多色刷り。(刊記書肆)江戸書肆、三河屋鉄五郎板。(発行書肆)東都、須原屋茂兵衛・山城屋佐兵衛・岡田屋嘉七・山城屋清七・丁子屋平兵衛/京都、菊屋七郎兵衛・丸屋善兵衛/尾州、永楽屋東四郎・菱屋藤兵衛/紀州、坂本屋喜市郎/大坂、秋田屋太右衛門・綿屋喜兵衛・加島屋清助・河内屋茂兵衛・石川屋和助・河内屋新助。 Xylograph. Acquired 5 August 1861.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23554 90012 zmjrvwti
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 27 x 11 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb25.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0264 ebzkluta
shelfmark: Maps C.22.b.10 License: Public Domain 文化10 *(刊記)板元/高野山、山本兵六/同,経師屋八左衛門/大坂白銀町、奥屋又兵衛。手彩色。 Xylograph.
1813 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0288 czafelgh
shelfmark: Or.15438 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *千葉県鎌ヶ谷市佐津間城周辺の地図。
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23559 90017 ligrmswe
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 20 x 13 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper left. Bird's-eye view. Based on map by Hayami Shungyosai. Engraved by Nisshindo. East Asian Library copy: has title added by hand: Danzan Jinja no zu. East Asian Library call number Hb27.
1861 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2087 furibe 9
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0268 qtenpzof
shelfmark: Maps 38.b.178 License: Public Domain 弘化3 *二色刷り。内題「(御宝)播磨州郡邑輿地全図」。(刊記)弘化三年丙午/発行書林/姫路、本荘輔治/大阪、柳原<河内屋>喜兵衛。 Xylograph.
1846 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0269 vtjypmdg
shelfmark: Maps 38.b.176 License: Public Domain 明治初期 *多色刷り。左下に朱印「筑摩県下高山町事務□」。 Xylograph.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23555 90013 yklotzuw
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. manuscript map folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb25.1.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23547 90005 lpumnskv
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】
1902 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0273 lrstcpda
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.263 License: Public Domain 嘉永2 *多色刷り。(刊記)嘉永二己酉春三月/下総佐原、正文堂利兵衛/京都書林、菊屋七郎兵衛/大坂書林、河内屋茂兵衛/東都書林、出雲寺万次郎・須原屋茂兵衛・菊屋幸三郎板。 Xylograph.
1849 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2088 furibe 10
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2093 furibe 15
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2091 furibe 13
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2092 furibe 14
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Displaying maps 4801 - 4850 of 4901 in total.  per page