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Fmapoteca 2097 furibe 19
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2100 furibe 22
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2101 furibe 23
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0267 dhrlcenb
shelfmark: Maps 38.b.162 License: Public Domain 慶応2 *銅版。多色刷り。刊記「半楽舎蔵/三都発行書林/江戸、須原屋茂兵衛・大坂、柳原喜兵衛/京都、村上勘兵衛・五風亭成兵衛・四方茂兵衛・竹原好兵衛・井上次兵衛」。 Copperplate.
1866 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0274 pmsinbka
shelfmark: Maps 38.c.214 License: Public Domain 天保6 *二色刷り。(刊記)書肆/信州松本、高美屋甚左衛門/京都、山城屋佐兵衛・吉野屋仁兵衛。 Xylograph. Beans, Supplement A,1835.2
1835 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23562 90020 mrgkonjx
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 22 x 16 cm. Copperplate print. Oriented with north to the right. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes historical text. East Asian Library call number Hb30.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0277 qkadyxhm
shelfmark: Or.75.f.18 License: Public Domain 元禄2 *ケンペル旧蔵。 Xylograph. Ex-Kaempfer. Gardner #562; Edozu somokuroku, p. 20.
1689 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0275 ecavpkdz
shelfmark: Maps 38.c.215 License: Public Domain 嘉永1 *(刊記)嘉永改元戊申三月/書肆/江戸、須原屋茂兵衛・京、越後屋治兵衛/南都、住屋林助/大坂、河内屋喜兵衛・河内屋徳兵衛。英字及び青・赤線書き入れ。 Xylograph. Beans A.24 according to Beans, this map was made by Sasaki Sairi and Nagatani Usho, but there is no indication of this to be found on this copy of the map.
1848 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0276 gxrpskit
shelfmark: Or.75.f.20 License: Public Domain 延宝9 *ケンペル旧蔵。 Xylograph. Ex-Kaempfer. Gardner #569
1681 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0280 gjtqonfw
shelfmark: Maps 38.b.177 License: Public Domain 元治1 *多色刷り。(刊記)元治元甲子冬開版/皇都書林竹原好兵衛版元。諸大名屋敷明記(「細川ヤシキ」等は補筆)。 Xylograph. Kyotozu somokuroku, p. 65, #173.
1864 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1826 fbnc 354
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0282 spmdjtoa
shelfmark: Or.75.f.17 License: Public Domain 元禄12 *1812年にJohannes Wessenbergにより寄贈。 Xylograph. Gardner #568.
1699 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23582 90040 buxizjan
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 23 x 10 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes list of treasures, historical text, and distance chart. Engraved by Shoun. East Asian Library call number Hb53.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0286 amczqywh
shelfmark: 16084.d.9 License: Public Domain 安永7 *三色刷り。題箋に「Chart or plan of Nangasaki」との書入れあり Xylograph.
1778 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2089 furibe 11
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1739 fbnc 267
2020 almost 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2090 furibe 12
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0291 tkimsyzx
shelfmark: Maps S.T.W. License: Public Domain 寛文11 *掛け軸装丁。左半は世界人類図、右半は地球図。手彩色。刊記「寛文十一庚亥ママ五月吉辰/寺町二条上ル丁林次右衛門開板」。世界人類図刊記「於肥州彼杵郡/長崎津開板」。39.7x 53. Xylograph; smaller version on one sheet. Beans 1.13
1671 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23620 90079 ghjnsdtz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map ; on sheet 39 x 27 cm., folded in portfolio 17 x 11 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb111.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0293 epwfmuoh
shelfmark: 16110.b.4 License: Public Domain 文久2 *多色刷り。(刊記書肆)京都、勝村次右衛門/大坂、秋田屋太右衛門・河内屋喜兵衛/江戸、須原屋茂兵衛。朱印「広瀬氏蔵板」 Xylograph. Kawase p. 207.
1862 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23560 90018 bwyfzjns
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. Copperplate print. Oriented with north to the lower left. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes text on the history of the shrine and list of the festival calendar. East Asian Library call number Hb28.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2103 furibe 25
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2095 furibe 17
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2096 furibe 18
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2105 furibe 27
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2098 furibe 20
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2099 furibe 21
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0289 drcmegwl
shelfmark: Maps 187.L.1.13 License: Public Domain 寛政写 *著者・書写年は大英図書館蔵『蝦夷群島図』(同筆)による。
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23558 90016 hfmsxdav
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 14 cm. Title on envelope: Atago Jinja zenzu. Wood block print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes text on the shrine. East Asian Library call number Hb26.
1884 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23569 90028 qmxkclve
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 14 x 10 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb37.
1897 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1910 fbnc 438
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1759 fbnc 287
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23648 90107 frzbikjg
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Manuscript map on sheet 48 x 48 cm., folded in cover 25 x 17 cm. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb124.
1870 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2104 furibe 26
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23561 90019 khoavgtb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 19 x 13 cm. Mounted cover title. Woodblock print. Oriented with north to the upper left. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb29.
1895 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23576 90034 ynkaqgir
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 19 x 13 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Pictorial map. Includes the history of Imakumano Kannonji. East Asian Library call number Hb44.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1779 fbnc 307
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23567 90026 lcntojua
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 17 x 13 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower right. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb34.
1919 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1741 fbnc 269
2020 almost 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1673 fbnc 201
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Arcsp02 0134 lycabxhm
Owned by 立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 【成立・出版年】 明治前期1868~
1868 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1760 fbnc 288
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23594 90052 zfnqslhj
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 19 x 13 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb74.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23598 90056 isuxrcjz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower right. Shows the names of inns. East Asian Library call number Hb79.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23581 90039 rnsydfwt
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 28 x 18 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes historical text. East Asian Library call number Hb52.
1891 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23568 90027 gwzefikm
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower right. Bird's-eye view. Includes 2 insets and festival calendar. East Asian Library call number Hb35.
1912 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1823 fbnc 351
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Arcsp02 0137 swvotamj
Owned by 立命館大学アート・リサーチセンター 【成立・出版年】
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23638 90097 hrpdgfio
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 24 x 18 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. East Asian Library call number Hb115.
1850 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23572 90030 lfqtgvkx
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 20 x 14 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes historical text. East Asian Library call number Hb39.
1882 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Displaying maps 4851 - 4900 of 4901 in total.  per page