日本版 Map Warper

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Rumsey 9 1 22862 90030085 saprjczq Izu Shichito zenzu : zen.
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Wood block print, col. In Japanese. Title on map: Zotei Izu shichito zenzu : fu Buninjima Yasojima zu So-Bu Boso kaigan zu. Oriented with north to the left. Includes 1 inset and legend. Includes detailed text on the Izu Islands region. Shows distances between important points. Date of publication is from preface by Nagayama Choen. Folded in cover 26 x 18 cm. East Asian Library call number: D143. アップロード者: ima. 作成: 1842 最終更新日時 5年以上 前. 整形を解除する.
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