日本版 Map Warper

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Rumsey 9 1 22955 90030164 grldytah
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Copperplate print, col. In Japanese. Orientation varies. Relief shown pictorially. Includes 2 insets, list of capitals and legend. Shows distance of roads and sea routes. Folded in cover 19 x 8 cm. East Asian Library call number: J36.
1884 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 22905 90030120 tzqbklnc
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and seasonal tides. Folded in envelope 16 x 8 cm. East Asian Library call number: F22.
1811 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23020 60065 xjcakqgh
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Title on envelope: Saishin Niigata-ken zenzu. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes list of addresses and legend. Shows distance of sea routes.
1907 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23050 60064 anhwilvz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Title on map: Jichikubetsu kaisei Sado zenzu. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 3 insets and legend.
1894 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23013 60077 mknrwhvt
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Oriented with north to the upper left. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 4 insets and legend. Includes text on districts and distance chart on verso.
1902 1年以上 前 3個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23400 50067 xkflwpqs
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Hand col. wood block print. In Japanese. Title from: Kyoto zu somokuroku / Otsuka Takashi. p.16. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and index. Includes text on main temples and shrines. Folded to 24 x 16 cm. East Asian Library call number: F3.
1696 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 22808 90030039 wenopzxl
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Cover title. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Shows distance of sea routes. Includes lists of country names and time differentials and legend. Col., folded in cover 25 x 16 cm. East Asian Library call number: A48.
1889 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23049 60084 iktzvbdc
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Oriented with north to the upper right. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Title on map: Kaisei Mie-ken chizu. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 6 insets and legend. Shows distance of roads.
1890 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 22901 90030116 takeihqf
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Wood block print. Hand col. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and index. Folded in cover 24 x 16 cm. East Asian Library call number: F1.
1724 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23691 100028 rmhpyoev
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map : col. ; 153 x 142 cm., folded in cover 27 x 20 cm. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. 5 insets: Tokyo zenzu ; Hokkaido zenzu ; Kyoto zenzu ; Osumi Oshima oyobi Ryukyu Shoto ; Ogasawara Gunto. Includes preface and legend. East Asian Library call number: Cb74.
1881 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23018 60060 ystjphvr
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Title on envelope: Saishin Nagano-ken zenzu. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes address chart and legend.
1907 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23661 80058 iwxufezb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map.
1895 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23682 100052 nlwmiczq
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map : col. ; 77 x 75 cm., folded in cover 23 x 16 cm. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese, English and romanized Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 1 inset and legend. East Asian Library call number: D8.
1883 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23036 60066 norehjml
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Title on map: Fukui-ken kannai chizu. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures.
1883 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23051 60067 ezqgfhbn
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower left. Relief shown by hachures. Includes legend.
1889 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23053 60132 jrxgmofb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the right. Relief shown by hachures. Includes distance chart and legend.
1868 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23662 80059 swvozfhk
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map.
1895 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 22982 60021 lphfyrts
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Title on enevelope: Saishin Miyagi-ken zenzu. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures.
1907 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23471 80053 jntusagw
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】
1868 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 22852 90030184 pueczxiq
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown by hachures. 7 insets: Hokkaido zenbu -- Chishima zenbu -- Osumi Shichito Okinawa Shoto ... et al.. Includes views of points of interest, charts of mountains and rivers, list of prefectures, and legend. Shows sea routes with distance. In color, folded to 18 x 13 cm. East Asian Library call number: Cb110.
1891 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23142 70044 qrajpzko
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Lithograph print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Includes text, views of tourist attractions, and distance chart.
1895 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23126 70041 kuvheayz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and legend. Includes 1 map on verso.
1895 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23368 60003 jecpuzxb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Shows views of tourist attractions. Includes distance chart, preface and legend. Folded in cover 28 x 20 cm. East Asian Library call number: F139.1.
1908 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23450 80032 ovarwlhx
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Copperplate print. In Japanese. Covers Matsumae to Tsushima, Okinoerabujima and Ogasawara. Includes 3 insets: Tanshu Amano Hashidate fukei -- Geishu Itsukushima fukei -- Oshu Matsushima fukei. Shows the distance of sea routes. Includes longitude and latitude and explanation of Kuroshio. Includes compass rose. Folded to 29 x 9 cm., in envelope 23 x 16 cm. East Asian Library call number Ca44.
1847 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23688 100020 quwdbakg
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map : col.; 118 x 134 cm., folded in cover 32 x 21 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Oriented with north to the right. 5 insets :Ryukyu Gunto; Hokkaido tohokugu Chupuka Gunto no zu; Ogasawara Gunto et al. Includes charts of mountains and rivers. Includes text, preface and legend. East Asian Library call number: Cb46.
1876 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23460 80042 eaiqgmru
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes distance chart, 14 insets and legend. Title on map: Dai Nihon yochi zenzu. Oriented with north to the upper right. Col. map folded in envelope 15 x 8 cm. East Asian Library call number Cb57.
1877 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23714 100027 vntrjolx
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map : col. ; 34 x 55 cm., folded to 17 x 9 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 7 insets, list of prefectures and legend. Shows views of tourist attractions. East Asian Library call number: Cb73.
1881 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23000 60040 etlkjbhp
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 1 inset: Maebashi shigaizu. Includes populations, text, preface and legend. List of districts pasted on the left of map.
1879 約3年 前 23個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23915 110090 nximaulw
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map ; 50 x 174 cm., folded in cover 23 x 15 cm. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown by hachures. Insets: Tanegashima and Oshima and Ryukyu ... et al. Ancillary map pasted on the right of map: Hokkaido. Includes distance chart and legend. East Asian Library call number: Cb80.
1883 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23461 80043 iarfybju
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes distance chart, 14 insets and legend. Col. map folded in cover 15 x 8 cm. East Asian Library call number Cb67.
1879 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24278 110029 fikjnxur
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map : col. ; on sheet 85 x 113 cm., folded in cover 29 x 17 cm. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. Oriented with north toward the upper right. In Japanese. Engraved by Hata Kyube. Covers Matsumae to Tanegashima, Yakushima, and Tsushima. Shows longitude and latitude and sea routes with distances. Includes texts on Kuroshio and tides. Includes preface by Shibano Ritsuzan and legend. East Asian Library call number Ca 14.
1791 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24351 27 nkxcsgeq
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Wood block print. In Japanese. Covers Ezo to a part of Ryūkyū. Includes distance chart and legend. Engraved by Nakazawa Hachibē. Folded to 19 x 9 cm.
1863 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24540 78 rlimphed
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Meiji 34 1901 In color. Folded. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 6 insets: Hokkaidō ; Chishima Shotō ; Taiwan oyobi Bōko Rettō et al Shows sea routes with distances. Includes distance chart and list of place names on verso.
1901 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24636 174 odslhwke
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Meiji 13 1880. In color. Folded. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Orientation varies. Relief shown pictorially. Includes 2 insets, distance chart and legend.
1880 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24277 110031 ymzwflai
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Description 1 map : col. ; on sheet 133 x 228 cm., folded in cover 34 x 20 cm. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Covers Matsumae to Tsushima, Okinoerabu, and Hachijojima. Shows Kuroshio and distance of sea routes and main roads. Includes legend. Text by Shoto Sanjin and preface by Shino Odo. East Asian Library call number Ca 17.
1808 2年以上 前 19個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24604 141 gplhoaxc
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Genji 1 1864. In color. Folded. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. Oriented with north to the left. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Includes legend.
1864 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24619 157 yzbqrics
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Meiji 23 1890. Folded. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and legend. Shows views of tourist attractions.
1890 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24560 98 zsjwvuok
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Meiji 31 1898. In color. Folded. Title from envelope. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and legend.
1898 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24548 87 fqasvbnh
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Meiji 19 1886. In color. Folded. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown by hachures. Shows distances of roads. 3 insets: Hokkaidō ; Ryūkyū Chūhokubu Shotō ; Ryūkyū Nanbu Shotō. Includes legend.
1886 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24533 70 zvfqicle
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Meiji 31 1898. In color. Folded. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper right. Shows distances of roads and sea routes. Includes 4 insets: Taiwan zenzu.--Hokkaidō.--Ogasawarajima Guntō ... et al. Includes legend.
1898 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24578 116 vnkrasep
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Japanese date Genroku 3 1690 estimated. Folded. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Includes index. Title on map :Shinpan Heianjō narabini Rakugai no zu. Copyright by Honʼya Riemon.
1690 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24286 110041 avsxydno
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Description 1 map: hand col.; 76 x 119 cm., folded in cover 26 x 16 cm. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Covers Matsumae to Tsushima, and Hachijojima. Shows distance of sea routes and kokudaka by province. Includes legend. East Asian Library call number Ca 22.
1700 3年以上 前 5個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 24268 110018 ubmdqsox
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 map : col. ; 107 x 72 cm., folded in cover 28 x 14 cm. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Shows distance of sea routes. Includes 10 insets and legend. East Asian Library call number Bc 22.
1910 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23100 70043 fqmlakvx
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Lithograph print. In Japanese. Oriented wit north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Inlcudes legend.
1895 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23088 60121 paqvfers
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Lithograph. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 3 insets, distance chart, and legend.
1877 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23412 50072 hsrjiyuk
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and index. Folded in cover 24 x 16 cm. East Asian Library call number: F7.5.
1728 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23099 70063 qvalgfuy
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes advertisement on verso. Oriented with north to the right. Includes legend.
1907 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23424 80006 xyhdtcik
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes legend. Drawn by Noda Tatsusuke. Folded in cover 16 x 11 cm. Title added by hand: Bankoku chishiryaku ansha yakuzu : Afurika no bu. East Asian Library call number: A37.
1878 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23121 70034 zjxfblqc
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. Includes distance chart and legend.
1879 3年以上 前 4個の基準点
Rumsey 9 1 23754 100099 ncxqjmdb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Colored manuscript map. Relief shown pictorially. East Asian Library call number: MJ11.
1874 2年以上 前 15個の基準点
合計1325件の地図のうち1151 − 1200を表示しています.  1ページあたり