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Rumsey 9 1 23559 90017 ligrmswe
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 20 x 13 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper left. Bird's-eye view. Based on map by Hayami Shungyosai. Engraved by Nisshindo. East Asian Library copy: has title added by hand: Danzan Jinja no zu. East Asian Library call number Hb27.
1861 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23528 80114 vntkiyxb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 13 cm. Title on envelope: Matsushima Shiogama meisai zenzu. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the bottom. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. Includes historical text and 1 ancillary map. East Asian Library call number Ha304.
1895 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23512 80098 gwasxonp
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 22 x 16 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. East Asian Library copy has title added by hand: Nikko oyama no ezu. East Asian Library call number Ha285.3.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23501 80087 kcmojait
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 14 x 10 cm. Mounted cover title. Title on map: Wakayama shigaizu. Copperplate print. Oriented with north towards lower right. Relief shown by hachures. Includes distance chart and legend. Includes 1 ancillary map: Wakanoura no zu. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Ha263.
1893 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23499 80085 ekbngxfp
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. Mounted cover title. Title on map: Kyoto-fu Fushimi zencho no zu. Copperplate print. Oriented with north towards left. Includes list of shrines, schools, and companies. In Japanese. East Asian Library copy: includes annotations. East Asian Library call number Ha261.
1903 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23514 80100 kfousmjl
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 23 x 17 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Tourist map from Edo to Nikko on verso. East Asian Library call number Ha285.8.
1840 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23505 80091 drzpwtgx
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded to 20 x 14 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. Includes index and map on verso: Shinsen genson Koyasan heimenzu. East Asian Library call number Ha281.
1899 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23536 80122 xcgubdia
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 10 x 7 cm. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Includes distances of roads and sea routes between main points. Includes legend. East Asian Library call number 13.6.
1857 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23519 80105 munwfrik
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in envelope 20 x 14 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Title on envelope: Nikkosan ryosha zenzu. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. East Asian Library call number Ha291.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23527 80113 bcspylof
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 14 cm. Title on envelope: Shiogama Matsushima shokei zenzu. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the bottom. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. East Asian Library call number Ha302.
1892 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23557 90015 ftrjxlwi
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. manuscript map. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb25.3.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23741 100088 ceibtrkg
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Colored manuscript map. Relief shown pictorially. East Asian Library call number: MJ11.
1874 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23549 90007 ioxsrndf
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 13 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. Includes guide, distance chart and list of local products on verso. East Asian Library call number Hb18.
1907 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23551 90009 mehykdav
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 20 x 11 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes text on events in the shrine. East Asian Library copy has title added by hand: Suruga no Kuni Abe-gun Shizuhatayama Sengen Sosha ezu. East Asian Library call number Hb23.
1813 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0032 etvimohf
shelfmark: Maps 63100.13 License: Public Domain 天保7 *二色刷り。刊記に「天保七年丙申ノ三月校正再刻」とあり。外題「摂津国名所大絵図」。 Xylograph. Acquired 17 December 1869.
1836 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0062 iutrphaf
shelfmark: Maps 197.d.42 License: Public Domain 延享2 *手彩色。Modyによれば図題は「新刊長崎之図」。(刊記)延享二乙丑歳仲秋吉旦/応林□育之□作図/八_堂主人/御絵図所林治左衛門開板/文化五戊辰年岩崎氏求板/京都書林吉田屋佐兵衛」(下線部は入れ木)。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Beans 1.33, Mody, plate 38.
over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0051 zfmtxeca
shelfmark: Maps 63150.6 License: Public Domain 文化10 *多色刷り。刊記「文化八年辛未閏二月御免/同十年酉春正月新刻」。 Xylograph. Beans 16 & A.10-11.
1813 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0049 zdvixsha
shelfmark: Maps *63150.3 License: Public Domain 寛保1 *二色刷り。手彩色。書外題「京都図」。図題は『京都図総目録』30頁74号による。 Xylograph. Beans B.10.
1741 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0009 fslkziyv
shelfmark: Maps 6298022 License: Public Domain 文久4 *多色刷り。蝦夷(北海道の分)を含む。 Xylograph. Purchased from Martinus Nijhof, The Hague, 8 November 1893.
1864 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23555 90013 yklotzuw
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. manuscript map folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb25.1.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0011 rdbkyepx
shelfmark: Maps *62980.11 License: Public Domain 江戸後期 *多色刷り。無刊記。(序文)新刻日本輿地路程全図序//安永乙未。 Xylograph. A later impression of the previous map.
over 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23647 90106 qgdthwxj
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. manuscript map on sheet 28 x 41 cm., folded in cover 22 x 15 cm. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb121.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23545 90003 imelohtz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】
1902 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23605 90063 xftvdnbc
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in envelope 20 x 14 cm. Title on envelope: Mino no Kuni Tagi-gun Yoro Koen no zenzu. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb90.
1893 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0050 tfilqaoz
shelfmark: Maps *63150.2 License: Public Domain 寛保1 *二色刷り。刊記欠。京都所司代は阿部<正右>伊予守(宝暦10年<1760>から明和元年<1764>まで在任)。題箋によれば坤巻なのに、本図は乾巻で三条以北の部。 Xylograph; Ex-Kaempfer; Gardner #560. Kawase p. 207 using external title Dochu kaibun ezu but overlooking the date. Covers the Tokaido.
1741 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0065 dnkosfbp
shelfmark: Maps 62987.5 License: Public Domain 明治1 *多色刷り。刊記に「福嶋蔵板」とあり。改装のため外題欠。 Copperplate
1868 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0052 qbjdpehv
shelfmark: Maps *63150.4 License: Public Domain 江戸後期 *手彩色。寛延3年<1750>刊図写。奥書「寛延三/森謹斎幸安珍重図並識」。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0073 hafisbyd
shelfmark: Maps 63100.1 License: Public Domain 天保13 *二色刷り、手彩色。刊記に「天保十三年壬寅秋再板」とあり。 Xylograph. Acquired 21 December 1878. Not in Beans
1842 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0075 qrbsxmne
shelfmark: Maps 63100.20 License: Public Domain 江戸中期 *二色刷り、手彩色。無刊記。外題「伊勢三宮之図」。 Xylograph
over 2 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1733 fbnc 261
2020 almost 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23573 90031 bkslycni
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 26 x 19 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb41.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0034 mjylpbtc
shelfmark: Maps *63150.5 License: Public Domain 安永7 *二色刷り。原題箋欠。書外題「京之図」。図題は上記のMaps 149.e.276(同版)による。(刊記書肆)京都書林、銭屋庄兵衛・近江屋庄右衛門・菊屋七郎兵衛・林権兵衛・小川多左衛門・北村四郎兵衛・正本屋吉兵衛。 Xylograph.
1778 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0015 hrxgypjk
shelfmark: Maps 62990.2 License: Public Domain 江戸後期 *外題欠。国別各大名領明記。 Xylograph. Lacks title. Beans 38.
over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0053 zgscpvdy
shelfmark: Maps 63150.11 License: Public Domain 嘉永5 *多色刷り。刊記に「嘉永五年壬子初春三刻」とあり。 Xylograph.
1852 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23561 90019 khoavgtb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 19 x 13 cm. Mounted cover title. Woodblock print. Oriented with north to the upper left. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb29.
1895 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23560 90018 bwyfzjns
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 20 x 14 cm. Copperplate print. Oriented with north to the lower left. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes text on the history of the shrine and list of the festival calendar. East Asian Library call number Hb28.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0066 oefxhbmw
shelfmark: Maps 63160.1 License: Public Domain 嘉永4 *二色刷り。(刊記書肆)江戸、須原屋茂兵衛/大阪、河内屋源七郎・河内屋清七郎/堺書林、河内屋久三郎・本屋徳兵衛・北村佐兵衛・酢屋善次郎・住吉屋弥三郎・具足屋重兵衛。 Copperplate.
1851 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0074 honrftme
shelfmark: Maps 63170.1 License: Public Domain 安政2 *多色刷り。刊記に「志都迺屋蔵梓(朱印「静*蔵梓」)」とあり。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1855 over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0081 lfsuhzjr
shelfmark: Maps 63135.2 License: Public Domain 明治初期 *銅板。英字ペン書書き入れ「Ishiyamaji in Gssiu/ Brought by Toki Japan」。 Xylograph.
over 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0076 nhgmqbje
shelfmark: Maps 63155.10 License: Public Domain 江戸中期 *手彩色。大坂夏之陣の事情を写す。 Xylograph
over 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23618 90077 vqiplond
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 26 x 14 cm. Title on envelope: Daihonzan Eiheiji zenzu. In Japanese. East Asian Library call number Hb109.
1868 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23569 90028 qmxkclve
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 14 x 10 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb37.
1897 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1896 fbnc 424
2020 almost 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23598 90056 isuxrcjz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower right. Shows the names of inns. East Asian Library call number Hb79.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23567 90026 lcntojua
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 17 x 13 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower right. Bird's-eye view. East Asian Library call number Hb34.
1919 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
2019 over 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23596 90054 cdjazxsv
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 26 x 18 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Shows distances. East Asian Library call number Hb76.
1800 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
1912 over 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23571 90025 vozcsiba
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 20 x 14 cm. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the lower right. Bird's-eye view. Includes historical text, distance chart and festival calendar. East Asian Library call number Hb33.1.
1901 almost 6 years ago Unrectified
Japan City Plans 1:12,500 U.S. Army Map Service, 1945-1946 https://maps.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/japan_city_plans/
1945 5 months ago Unrectified
Displaying maps 1651 - 1700 of 4895 in total.  per page