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C1188 1
2022 about 2 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0169 lmuyithk
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.268 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *多色図。外題「駿河国」は流用。
over 3 years ago 1 control point
Bl 01 0172 pixdjwrf
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.271 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0146 koqlwaex
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.242 License: Public Domain 文政8 *無刊記。外題欠。三色刷。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1825 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0152 ityabgfr
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.250 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0154 nmgljcyf
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.253 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0182 gohraeti
shelfmark: Maps *63140.21 License: Public Domain 天保11 *手彩色。寛永9年刊図の写し。
1840 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0180 fuwdbslt
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.278 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0192 rwsnlyqz
shelfmark: Maps 63140.19 License: Public Domain 江戸後期・文久3 *多色刷り。改装につき、外題欠。図題は『江戸図総目録』201頁による。(刊記書肆)東都書肆/須原屋茂兵衛・山城屋佐兵衛・出雲寺万治郎・上州屋重蔵・岡田屋嘉七。修訂の箇所あり。 Xylograph. Purchased from Martinus Nijhof, The Hague, 8 November 1893. Edozu somokuroku, p. 201.
1863 over 3 years ago 1 control point
Bl 01 0184 blqrzkpd
shelfmark: ORB.30/4359 License: Public Domain 幕末刊 *多色刷り。無刊記。 Xylograph.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0188 eskzxdjy
shelfmark: Maps 63140.8 License: Public Domain 安政年間刊 *多色刷り。大英図書館蔵図(Maps 63140.9)に同版なれど、御城、水戸殿邸などに紋なし。(刊記)東都書肆/須原屋茂兵衛・山城屋佐兵衛・小林新兵衛・出雲寺万次郎・山崎屋政七・岡田屋嘉七・山城屋平助・蔦屋吉蔵。刊年刪去カ Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0186 ismpbdzf
shelfmark: Maps 63140.9 License: Public Domain 安政年間刊 *多色刷り。(刊記)東都書肆/須原屋茂兵衛・山城屋佐兵衛・小林新兵衛・出雲寺万次郎・山崎屋政七・岡田屋嘉七・山城屋平助・蔦屋吉蔵。刊年刪去力。題箋に英国古本目録切り抜きを貼る。 Xylograph. Cutting from bookseller’s catalogue reading, ‘Yeddo eds ie, ezu. Map of Edo. One large sheet folded and coloured. 10shillings.', attached to cover title.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23518 80104 wnksfume
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in envelope 19 x 13 cm. Lithograph. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Shows views of tourist attractions. East Asian Library call number Ha290.
1887 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23497 80083 mdknezat
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded in cover 6 x 11 cm. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north towards left. Relief shown by hachures. East Asian Library copy: has annotations. East Asian Library call number Ha256.
1887 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23478 80064 sjrtvdqz
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded to 14 x 13 cm. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the upper left. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 4 insets and legend. East Asian Library call number Ha216.
1906 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0149 qdmogisu
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.246 License: Public Domain 安政3 *多色刷。(刊記書肆)[江戸]、出雲寺萬次郎・和泉屋金右衛門・須原屋茂兵衛・山城屋佐兵衛・小林新兵衛・須原屋佐助・岡田屋嘉七・和泉屋吉兵衛・須原屋伊八・英文蔵・岡村庄助・菊屋幸三郎。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1856 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0159 obrzauyf
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.258 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0161 ajpzonix
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.26 License: Public Domain 江戸後期刊 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0162 rlouaqys
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.260 License: Public Domain 江戸後期刊 *多色刷。(刊記書肆)書林/京都、菊屋七郎兵衛/大坂、河内屋喜兵衛・河内屋茂兵衛/江戸、須原屋茂兵衛・須原屋佐助・須原屋伊八・岡田屋嘉七・和泉屋金右衛門・小林新兵衛・山城屋佐兵衛・菊屋幸三郎板。外題「信濃国絵図」。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0202 bwiljynm
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.2728 License: Public Domain 嘉永5 *多色刷り。『江戸切絵図集成』第五巻所収の万延1図初に該当。外題「小日向絵図」。(刊記)戸松昌訓図著/嘉永五子秋新刻/万延元申秋改正/麹町六丁目/金鱗堂/板元尾張屋清七。英字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 5: 32-37
1852 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0163 zbcjghif
shelfmark: Maps 149.e.261 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *刊図写力。 Manuscript, early 19th century. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0201 jcpqayoe
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.2724 License: Public Domain 嘉永4 *多色刷り。『江戸切絵図集成』第五巻所収の安政4訂・図に該当。図者は嘉永4原板(『江戸切絵図集成』第5巻所収)による。(刊記)嘉永四亥冬新鐫/安政四丁巳年改/江戸麹町六丁目/板元尾張屋清七。英数字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 5: 20-25
1851 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0206 fuwlyohz
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.2717 License: Public Domain 安政3 *多色刷り。外題「根岸谷中辺絵図」。(刊記)安政三丙辰秋新刻/景山致恭著/江戸麹町六丁目/板元尾張屋清七。英数字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 5: 68-73
1856 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0200 fbwpvtem
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.2711 License: Public Domain 嘉永5 *多色刷り。『江戸切絵図集成』第五巻所収の安政5初図に該当。外題「深川絵図」。(刊記)安政五午歳改正/板元麹町六丁目尾張屋清七。英数字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 5:106-113
1852 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2024 fbnc 552
2020 almost 4 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23489 80075 ghpdjowb
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded to 20 x 11 cm. Copperplate print. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 2 insets, distance chart and legend. Includes guide of tourist attractions with views and advertisements on verso. In Japanese. East Asian Library copy: Portions of map are missing. East Asian Library call number Ha244.
1911 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0185 xvisdpke
shelfmark: Maps 63140.4 License: Public Domain 江戸後期写 *刊図写しカ。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0191 flhkaodx
shelfmark: Maps 63140.13 License: Public Domain 文久2 *多色刷り。修訂の箇所あり。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1862 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0189 fbivdopn
shelfmark: Maps 63140.10 License: Public Domain 天保14 *多色刷り。附「江戸年中行事」。(刊記)元禄九年丙子旧板/文政五年壬午年補改/天保十四年癸卯再板/御書物師、出雲寺万次郎/書林、岡田屋嘉七/ (欄外)万延元年庚申改正。修訂の箇所あり。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold.
1843 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0197 cbmavfjs
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.278 License: Public Domain 安政5 *多色刷り。『江戸切絵図集成』第四巻所収の安政7訂・図に該当。外題「御江戸番町絵図」。(刊記)嘉永三戌年新刻/安政五午年再刻/同庚申<安政七/万延元>春改正/景山致恭著/江戸麹町六丁目/金鱗堂尾張屋清七板。フランス語・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 4: 32-39
1858 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0195 jxvautnq
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.2714 License: Public Domain 嘉永6 *多色刷り。外題「(今戸箕輪)浅草絵図」。(刊記)嘉永六丑年新鐫/麹町六丁目/板元尾張屋清七。片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 5: 80-85
1853 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0205 btyxhzau
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.272 License: Public Domain 嘉永2 *多色刷り。『江戸切絵図集成』第四巻所収の万延1初版図に該当。(刊記)万延元申冬改正/板元麹町六丁目/尾張屋清七。英数字・英字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 4: 64-9
1849 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23513 80099 psnwdvug
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 25 x 17 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. East Asian Library copy: color added by a user; has title added by hand: Nikko oyama no ezu. East Asian Library call number Ha285.4.
1800 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi024 uskjpanh
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Petit Atlas Francois, 5 vols., Paris, 1763 in Vol. 3 Also in: Le Petit Atlas Maritime, 5 vols., Paris, 1764 in vol. 3 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 19.5x3.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1763 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1664 fbnc 192
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1752 fbnc 280
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Bl 01 0198 twdnopck
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.2718 License: Public Domain 嘉永6 *多色刷り。『江戸切絵図集成』第五巻所収の安政4訂・図に該当。外題「本郷湯島絵図」。(刊記)安政四丁巳歳改戸松昌訓図之/麹町六丁目/板元尾張屋清七。英数字・英字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 5: 50-55
1853 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23477 80063 lmiqzexj
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in cover 14 x 10 cm. Mounted cover title. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown by hachures. Includes legend. East Asian Library call number Ha213.
1900 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23587 90045 jutwigcq
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 18 x 13 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Title added by hand. East Asian Library call number Hb58.
1800 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23551 90009 mehykdav
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 20 x 11 cm. Wood block print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes text on events in the shrine. East Asian Library copy has title added by hand: Suruga no Kuni Abe-gun Shizuhatayama Sengen Sosha ezu. East Asian Library call number Hb23.
1813 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 2041 fbnc 569
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1665 fbnc 193
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
Fmapoteca 1754 fbnc 282
2020 about 4 years ago Unrectified
C1190 2
2022 about 2 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23930 110113 zlxpcbms
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 1 sheet of map on 2 sheets ; sheet 92 x 130 cm., folded in cover 25 x 17 cm. Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Includes text on temples and shrines, and legend. Includes list of addresses of daimyo, distance chart and index. Originally issued in 1741; presumed date of publication is between 1760 and 1764. East Asian Library call number: F9.
1741 over 3 years ago 3 control points
Bl 01 0196 jdnicrtp
shelfmark: Maps 145.d.273 License: Public Domain 嘉永3 *多色刷り。外題「芝愛宕下絵図」。(刊記)安政六己未改正/新鐫板元麹町六丁目/尾張屋清七。英数字・片仮名書き入れ多し。 Xylograph. Acquired 22 July 1868. Ex-Siebold. Edo kiriezu shusei 4: 88-93
1850 almost 5 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23522 80108 efdqrzxu
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Folded to 19 x 14 cm. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Bird's-eye view. Includes text on the shrine. Oriented with north to the lower left. East Asian Library call number Ha296.
1880 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23511 80097 egnytxbl
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Includes temples and inns. East Asian Library copy: includes annotations. East Asian Library call number Ha285.2.
1815 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23532 80118 hfxmkqbs
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 2 maps on 1 sheet ; 31 x 28 cm. and 31 x 32 cm., folded in envelope 25 x 16 cm. Title on envelope: Ryokosha tekiyo Myogi Haruna oyobi Tsukubasan shuran chizu. Copperplate print. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. East Asian Library call number Hb5.
1901 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Rumsey 9 1 23486 80072 heyadsox
【Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library University of California, Berkeley】 Col. map folded in envelope 20 x 11 cm. In Japanese. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 2 insets and legend. Oriented with north towards upper left. Includes guide to tourist attractions with views and address chart on verso. East Asian Library call number Ha228.
1912 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Displaying maps 4701 - 4750 of 4901 in total.  per page