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Cortazzi060 wxyhopbg
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 15.0x2.7 cm 【Medium】 彩色銅板画
1707 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi059 quisdabj
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Illustrated London News 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 17.0x3.0 cm 【Medium】
1863 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi058 fbdmsuzl
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Illustrated London News 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 16.0x3.5 cm 【Medium】
1863 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi057 2 clepundm
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 【Medium】
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi057 1 wlqujzho
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 【Medium】
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi056 nigzufcq
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 24 cm 【Medium】 磁器
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi055 xrkefodv
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 34.5x9.0 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1857 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi054 herbtyuz
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 41.0x6.5 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1849 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi053 ruoywscx
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 42.0x0.0 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1849 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi052 kjzoedyc
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 36.8x5.2 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1853 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi051 okdsfpbx
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 Inoue Seifu 【Map Size】 57.8x7.2 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi050 ihekzjac
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 61.5x4.5 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi049 tsrdmhej
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 24.0x6.0 cm 【Medium】 石版画
1906 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi048 ijtgezhf
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 46.5x3.5 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1852 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi047 yfxvnacz
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 28.5x2.0 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi045 cuadesgk
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 83.0x34.5 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1779 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi044 uqotmdzy
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 69.5x63.0 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
1683 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi043 tghufmds
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 35.0x75.0 cm 【Medium】 木版刷
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi042 vqpdghtc
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 16.0x4.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1768 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi041 bctpayvd
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 27.5x6.5 cm 【Medium】 彩色銅板画
1782 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi040 nlpgqjza
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 17.5x4.0 cm 【Medium】 彩色銅板画
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi039 wfxscjoi
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 16.0x4.0 cm 【Medium】 彩色銅板画
1882 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi038 axjhvibk
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 11.5x7.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1842 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi037 gqcivuwd
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 From: GEO- | GRAPHIAE | VNIVERSAE | TVM VETERIS, TVM | NOVAE ABSOLVTISSIMVM | opus, duobus voluminibus distinctum, In quorum priore habentur | CL. PTOLEMAI PELVSIENSIS | Geographica. . .a | IO ANTONIO MAGINO PATAVINO. . . | Anno 1597. IN CELEBERRIMA AGRIPPINENSIVM COLONIA EXCVDEBAT | PETRVS KESCHEDT. Other editions in 1608 and 1617. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 13.0x8.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi036 fhcsjpiy
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Description | de | L'Univers, | contenant | Les differents systemes du monde, | les Cartes generales & particuliers de la geographie | ..| Dediee au Roy. | Par Allain Manesson Mallet, | . . . | printer's device A Paris, | Chez Denys Thierry, rue S. Jacques, a l'Enseigne | de la Ville de Paris, devant la rue du Platre. | M. DC. LXXXIII. | Avec Privilege du Roy. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 14.7x0.3 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1683 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi035 vznmdeuq
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Tallis's Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World, Geographical, Political, Commercial, and Statistical. . .Tallis & Co., London & New York, 1851. R.M. Martin, ed. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 26.0x4.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1851 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi034 haiokqme
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Hedendaegsche | Historie, | of | Tegenwoordige Staet | Van | Alle Volkeren, | . . . Nieuwlings in't Engelsch beschreven | Door Den Heere Salmon. | In't Nederduitsch overgebragt . . . . Door M. van Goch, | Med. Doctor | printer's device . . . Te Amsterdam, | By Isaak Tirion, Boekverkoper op de | Voorburgwal, over de Nieuwe Kerks Toren 1728. 8o 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 13.5x9.5 cm 17.5x9.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1728 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi033 xwighrfl
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 In: A new Sett of Mapps of Ancient and Present Geography. . .together with a geographical treatise. . .By Edward Wells, D.D. sometime student of Christ Church, Oxon, and late rector of Cotesbach in Leicestershire 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 35.5x0.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi032 pelsryjv
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 From: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Antwerp, 1590-1613 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 34.0x9.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi031 muwltoic
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 From: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Antwerp, 1570-1613 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 35.0x0.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi030 wiebkcjn
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 From: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Antwerp, 1570-1613 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 35.0x7.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi029 jmvltnpa
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 50.0x0.0 cm platemark 【Medium】 銅版画
1740 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi028 wqcbmxos
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Atlas Japannensis: | Being | Remarkable Addresses | by way of | Embassy | from the | East-India Company | of the | United Provinces, | to the | Emperor of Japan. | Containing | A Description | of their several | Territories, Cities, Temples, and Fortresses; | . . . | by Arnoldus Montanus. | English'd and Adorn'd with above a hundred several Sculptures, | By John Ogilby Esq; | Master of His Majesties Revels in the Kingdom of Ireland. | London, | Printed by Tho. Johnson for the Author, and are to be had at his | House in White Fryers. M.DC.LXX. 1670 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 26.0x9.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1669 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi027 hfkmuvnd
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 From: Atlas Japannensis: | Being | Remarkable Addresses | by way of | Embassy | from the | East-India Company | of the | United Provinces, | to the | Emperor of Japan. | Containing | A Description | of their several | Territories, Cities, Temples, and Fortresses; | . . . | by Arnoldus Montanus. | English'd and Adorn'd with above a hundred several Sculptures, | By John Ogilby Esq; | Master of His Majesties Revels in the Kingdom of Ireland. | London, | Printed by Tho. Johnson for the Author, and are to be had at his | House in White Fryers. M.DC.LXX. 1670 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 77.0x8.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1669 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi026 ryfcxjnt
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Atlante | Novissimo, | Illustrato Ed Accresciuto | Sulle Osservazioni, E Scoperte | Fatte | Dai Piu' Celebri E Piu' Recenti | Geografi . . . Presso Antonio Zatta . . ., 4 vols., Venice, 1775-85 in vol. 4 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 31.0x0.0 cm 32.5x1.4 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1785 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi025 dkclqtyo
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Histoire | Universelle, | Depuis | Le Commencement du Monde | Jusqu'a Pr?sent; | Compos?e en Anglois par une Soci?t? de Gens de Lettres; | . . . | A Paris, | Chez Moutard, Imprimeur-Libraire de la Reine, | de Madame, & de Madame Comtesse d'Artois, | rue de Mathurins, H?tel de Cluni. | M. DCC. LXXXIII. | Avec Approbation & Privil?ge du Roi. | 126 vols. In 8o; in vol. 14. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 23.5x4.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1783 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi024 uskjpanh
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Petit Atlas Francois, 5 vols., Paris, 1763 in Vol. 3 Also in: Le Petit Atlas Maritime, 5 vols., Paris, 1764 in vol. 3 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 19.5x3.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1763 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi023 kwcdxoup
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Antoine-Francois Prevost, Histoire Generale Des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection De Toutes Les Relations De Voyages Par Mer Et Par Terre . . . Tome Dixieme . . . Chez Didot, Paris, 1752 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 25.0x5.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1752 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi022 asrpeoby
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Antoine-Francois Prevost, Histoire Generale Des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection De Toutes Les Relations De Voyages Par Mer Et Par Terre . . . Tome Dixieme . . . Chez Didot, Paris, 1752 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 18.0x7.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1752 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi021 clynhgrx
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Atlas Universel, Par M. Robert . . . Et Par M. Robert de Vaugondy son fils . . . Chez les Auteurs . . . Boudet Librairie Imprimeur du Roy . . ., Paris, 1757 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 48.5x3.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1750 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi020 gfcrwzex
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Atlas Portatif a l'usage des militaires, colleges et du voyageur . . . par G. Le Rouge . . . Prault & Robinot, Paris, 1748 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 20.5x7.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1748 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi019 cylkudng
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 A Complete System of Geography, 2 vols. In vol II. London, 1744 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 35.5x3.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1744 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi018 mjevbigz
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Nieuwe en Beknopte Hand-Atlas . . . By Isaak Tirion . . ., Amsterdam, 1744 ca. 1740 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 27.5x1.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1740 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi016 livnumrw
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Atlas Novus sive Tabula Geographica Totius Orbis Faciem, Partes, Imperia, Regna et Provincias Exhibentes, Exactissima Cura Iuxta Recentissimas Observation. Ari Incisa et Venum Exposita a Matthao Seutter, S. C. M. G. Augusta Vindelicorum 1745? Undated, engraved title page. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 46.5x7.5 cm 49.0x7.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1740 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi015 qymzrxtu
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Ottens, R. & I. Atlas Minor. 2 vols. Amsterdam, n.d. 【Engraver】 Ruyter, B. 【Map Size】 46.5x0.0 cm 49.5x0.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1740 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi014 cukyjmzh
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Atlas Historique, 7 vols., Amsterdam 1705-21 in vol. 5, 1719 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 15.5x1.5 cm 38.5x4.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1719 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi013 wujsigvz
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Corso Geografico Universale . . . Dal Padre Maestro Vincenzo Coronelli M.C. . . . A spese dell' Autore, 2 vols., Venice, 1692/94 Printed title 1692, but engraved title 1693. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 45.5x1.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1692 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi012 kgulwnbe
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Description | de | L'Univers, | contenant | Les differents systemes du monde, | les Cartes generales & particuliers de la geographie |. . .| Dediee au Roy. | Par Allain Manesson Mallet, | . . . | printer's device A Paris, | Chez Denys Thierry, rue S. Jacques, a l'Enseigne | de la Ville de Paris, devant la rue du Platre. | M. DC. LXXXIII. | Avec Privilege du Roy. 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 14.5x0.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1683 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi011 crqndblo
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 L'Asie en plusieurs cartes nouvelles et exactes . . . Par le S. Sanson d'Abbeville, n.p., n.d., bound with L'Europe En Plusieurs Cartes . . . Sur la Copie imprimee A Paris Chez l'Auteur . . . , n.p. Utrecht ?, 1683, the half title reads l'Europe . . . Par N. Sanson le fils . . . A Paris chez l'Auteur 1683. 【Engraver】 d'Winter, Antoine 【Map Size】 18.5x4.0 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1683 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Cortazzi010 yszextlo
Owned by Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures 【Atlas / Book Title】 Geography Rectified: or, a description of the world in all its kingdoms . . . for R. Morden and T. Cockeril . . ., London 1680 【Engraver】 【Map Size】 10.5x2.5 cm 18.5x2.5 cm 【Medium】 銅版画
1680 about 6 years ago Unrectified
Displaying maps 4551 - 4600 of 4901 in total.  per page